Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm saving the world!

Or at least doing my part :) My mom decided that my "waste" would be well suited for composting. So she convinced dad to put together a make-shift compost bin using some old wire fencing and rebar. She's already added the old tomato plant that was done for the season, the dirt from it's pot, chocolate mint branches (yum!!!), red bell pepper, eggshells and topped it with the litter from my box.

I don't know what she's going to do with the compost when it's done, but I heard something about spreading it on the horse pasture. Yes, mom has two horses too :) I'm hoping, hoping, hopping to hope that she convinces dad to build some raised garden beds this year and grows some lettuce for me and carrots for the horses. I think we deserve it! Don't you?

Friday, September 24, 2010


You may be asking... what IS that in the Wordless Wednesday picture? My mom is growing me lettuce! She found the last packet of lettuce seeds in a dark corner of Meijer. I heard her say this morning that there are already sprouts. I should have yummy "cut-and-come-again" lettuce soon! Yum...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hi there!

Hi! I am Cocoa, the bunny. My mom decided I should have a blog. This is an old picture, from right after they adopted me from the humane society. My first family moved and couldn't take me with. I am about 6 years old and my mom & dad adopted me in August 2005. We all live in Indiana. I am a standard Rex rabbit, castor color. Aren't I cute?